Sunday, February 26, 2012

What's the story Morning Glory?

So what is the story? Where on Earth have I been? Why haven't I written anything in ages? Very good questions to ask, even to myself. I'm not really so sure, though I can peg blame on a few of the usual suspects.

For the most part I can blame it on not having enough time, which would be very true. Last year went zipping by so fast I think I still have whiplash from it all. We got notice last year that we were moving, again! John was tagged to be a recruiter, so he went off to school for a few months in the spring and early summer while Skye and I went into chaos mode. Then over the summer we accomplished the move from Fort Benning, Georgia, to out on Long Island New York.

If you've ever done a move with the military, you know that even a short distance move becomes a three ring circus. Things go wrong or crop up that no sane person would ever imagine. We 've been living in East Meadow since the beginning August and like any move we've ever made it always takes at least the first six months to get the house in some semblance of order again.

From chaos...... calm!

While John was off at school Skye and I were busy bees working on the flowers and decorations for Sam and Kailins wedding, our darling Memire passed away. So we had her memorial right before the wedding and it still seems like a blur to me. In the midst of it all Skye was also trying to get herself set for a move to go to school in Jacksonville, while I got the house and our lives ready for New York. That there was a slight bit of craziness doesn't quite cover it.
Our Memire, Katy Ruth Moody Perron

Add into all that my normal health issue of fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue blah-de-blah, dealing with severe anemia the past few years which is still unresolved, it's a wonder I got anything done at all.

My hibernating cohorts, Remy and Charlotte.
There are days where getting the most mundane things done becomes like trying to climb Mount Everest. Do the dishes, fall back to bed for an hour. Cook dinner, rest an hour before cleaning up. Run errands for an afternoon, rest most of the next day. I don't say that for a pitty party, just to put into perspective how my body is most of the time. Sometimes I even have to do a full on hibernation. Those who know me best know when I say I'm going "down the rabbit hole" to hide and rest, to be patient. I'll emerge eventually! Sometimes just after an hour nap, sometimes after a month or so of staying home and curling up into myself while almost completely ignoring the outside world.

 I was glad to see this suggested in another blog I was reading this morning, 10-Things-to-Remind-Yourself-on-a-Daily-Basis  "2. It is okay to be alone or pull back from the world. Sometimes we just need to step back and re-evaluate a situation, a relationship, or just life in general. When I went through my healing period, I spent a lot of time alone as I tried to become my own best friend again. If you need to go into hiding for awhile and work on stitching yourself back up, take the time to do that. It is so important to pull back and spend quality time with yourself every now and then."

One day soon I'll do a more in depth post on living with a chronic illness, but suffice it to say that it's no picnic to have to be familiar with the issue through myself, my sister who has lupus, and my grandmother who also had fibromyalgia. I'm lucky and blessed that I can still function, I have use of all my body despite it all, I don't have anything fatal, yet I do function on a much lower energy level than your average bear. I also deal with plenty of pain constantly. One of the best websites I've found for helping maintain a decent perspective and being gentle with myself is Little and Often . Michael Nobbs is brilliant! How could you not love someone who suggests tea and cake on a regular basis?

Now that we've covered two good reasons for not writing, what else can I find to explain the neglect of this lovely little home I have on the interwebs? Laziness? Not really. Fear of not having anything to say? A blank mind? That's kinda rare in our family to ever admit to. We're all big mouths and if you can catch us without an opinion or something to talk about you better check for a pulse!

I will say that wondering if anyone would even care about my mundane ramblings occurs to me and has stayed my hand from the keyboard on occasion. Then I tell myself that we all end up having something in common even if it is trivial or mundane. Usually that is exactly where our commonalities are!

So with that in mind, stay in touch darling friends and family! For as Lord Byron said "If I don't write to empty my mind, I go mad."


  1. Skye, your blog gave my CPR ;) All your posting lately zapped mine right back to life!
