Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sparklie Saturday, the Evening Edition

Last night was really relaxing and we had a wonderful time without doing much of anything special! I was once again completely inspired by watching Julie and Julia. I want shiny copper pots hanging on my wall. I want to cook delicious food dripping with butter! I want to spend hours making food that brings sighs of satisfaction and groans of pleasure when it's eaten.

I think that was accomplished with our dinner, Eggs Benedict, which literally did drip with hollandaise sauce. When our plates we clean, we each got spoons and slurped up the rest of the holladaise right out of the pot! Bad, bad girls!

We barely gave our dinner time to settle before we made cupcakes. Skye was the Queen of Sparklie Saturday all cozy, licking the batter out of the bowl. Talk about decadant multi-tasking fun! Eating batter, on the computer, magazine open, and watching the movie.

Her cupcake got the pink sprinkles, I couldn't take so much more sugar on top of the frosting. Does that mean I'm getting old if I don't want a sugar overload? We ended up with WAY too many cupcakes, so we're going to take them to share at the flower shop. I think everyone there will need the sugar boost this week with Valentines Day approaching.

I have to say that our first Sparklie Saturday was a complete success! As soon as we recover from Valentines Day at the flower shop we'll have to schedule another. We may need a whole weekend at that point.

I hope everyone has been inspired to have a little more fun, look for the sparkle in your day, relax and let life flow like a lazy river! One last bit of fun from yesterday, suggestions from Susan Branch that embody the spirit of what Sparklie Saturdays can be.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sparklie Saturday...afternoon lollygagging!

For the most part there's been alot of lazing around going on today, which in my opinion so always good for the soul. A little lollygagging never hurt anyone! The only thing that's bad about today is that John got stuck on staff duty so has to work all day and night.

I've been working more on this ole blog here. I'm still trying to get used to this format after having TypePad for so long. So far so good, but I still haven't figured out how to make a photo album for the page. For now I'll just stuff all my visual goodies into a post.

Susan Branch artwork

Skye is on her way upstairs for a shower, to make it extra sparklie, she's going to use her new Snow Fairy goodies from LUSH. If she leaves me enough hot water (which I doubt LOL) I'm going to get a hot bath soon. I still have a Comforter bath bomb in my stash to use. I think I'll be having a cup of my new favorite tea while I'm soaking! I bought it the other day on a whim, because the box was pretty of course, and it turns out that it is amazing!

In the meantime while I await my hot water I'm heading up to snuggle under the covers with my journal and two new books to read.

I also got a new 'Days'  book by Susan Branch to start my gratitude journal in. I've been doing gratitude journals for years in various forms, but the 'Days' book is my favorite place to keep the things I'm grateful for each day. Since I'm starting a bit late this year, I'm going to fill up all the January days with as many things I can think of that I'm thankful for. I've been meaning to do a 100 thing to be thankful for list anyhow, now I have a place to put it.

On the menu for dinner tonight, we decided to make something special that Skye and I both love but don't take the time to make very often. It may normally be for breakfast but tonight, we're having Eggs Benedict for dinner! We're going to watch Julie and Julia while I cook, then have pink sprinkle covered vanilla-bean cupcakes for dessert. Maybe I can take pictures before Skye starts eating them up.

I have declared it to be Sparklie Saturday in our house! I think I'm longing for some way to combat the gloomy weather outside with some fun and frivolity as we wait for the the lush green of springtime to return.
There will be pedicures, hot bubble baths, lazy naps, snuggly jammies, posibble wearing of tutu's and decadent cocktails. Maybe even pink cupcakes! It's about doing something a little more fancy than the ordinary, being a little more care free, even if that's just deciding to sleep in till noon (as Skye did!) or spending hours tucked into a cozy corner reading a new book.

So for now, I'm off to go start having some fun!